Sunday, April 11, 2010

The New Palace

This weekend Hanna's room was transformed into a pink wonderland of girliness.

Terri is fortunate enough to be friends with Leah, one of the set designers at HSN. Free of charge, Leah helped Terri turn Hanna's room into a place where Hanna actually wants to spend time! A few months back Leah actually drew up plans on how the room would be decorated. Terri took a portion of our tax refund and bought new wall art, paint, furniture, and other various bits of decor. Over the weekend of April 10, the construction walls went up and the work began. Here are the results...

The door remained unchanged. We put her name on the door before Hanna was born, so we decided to leave it.
In one corner of the room is the new reading nook, or as Hanna calls it, her "castle". And yes, that is a TV in the room, although it is only connected to a DVD player so the content of anything on the TV is totally under parental control.
On another wall is her "Wall of Fame", which includes pictures of friends and family. It's still a work in progress.
The "chandelier" was a stroke of genius by Leah. It's actually the lampshade to a lamp fitted over the light fixture in the ceiling. It's one of Hanna's favorite additions.

The closet, now divided by curtains. For the first time, this is a neat and organized space!

Another place to read.
A brand new toy kitchen where many imaginary meals will be prepared.

This little display is just above the bed. Leah and Terri painted the stripes on the wall. The sign reads "The Princess Sleeps Here".

The Princess lounging in her new palace...


Leslie said...

Gorgeous. A perfect palace! Im sure the princess loves it!

Malinda said...

Katie wants to move in. Im going to let her. Ill just pin a note to her shirt and send her on her way.
Nice work Terri. A palace fit for a princess.