Saturday, October 31, 2009

Star Wars in Concert

In honor of Halloween, I give you a freak show! Well, more like a "geek show" actually. Star Wars in Concert at the Jacksonville Memorial Arena was a blast. What follows is a short video summary of the experience. Enjoy...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Anyway, as I was saying...

I thought I should at least get one post up on the blog before October ends.

This is a very busy time for us here at the Tockstein home. On November 1 we will once again be loading up the Jetta and heading north for Tennessee. We'll spend a few days in Nashville, and a few days in Knoxville. My sister Julie, her husband Chuck, and their daughter Mila will be visiting Knoxville for 2 days of our visit. I'm very much looking forward to getting Mila and Hanna together. My Mom has already booked a photo shoot for both of them complete with matching outfits. Should be a hoot!

On October 29 I will be heading to Jacksonville with my buddies Matt and Mike for Star Wars in Concert. I'm very excited about this. A huge orchestra in a huge arena with a huge screen displaying scenes from my favorite series of movies. That's pretty much a Star Wars geek's dream come true. And I love that I have such an understanding wife who puts up with this nonsense on a daily basis, and even encourages it. Love you baby!

Hanna's potty training is...well...the training continues. Pee is no problem. Poop is another story. And so it goes...

And this week I had some troubling news from my doctor. I made an appointment to see if I could get rid of this cold that has been bugging me for the past month, and I left with a prescription for high blood pressure medication, asprin heart therapy, and a warning to get my butt on a treadmill YESTERDAY. Not fun, but rest assured I am taking this advice seriously.

And finally, my sister Julie and her husband Chuck lost a member of their family on October 27. Marley, their gentle, kind, and very sweet St. Bernard had to be put down. I only met Marley once, but she was the one of the sweetest...and largest...dogs I had ever met. This made me grab old Wallace and give him a bear hug and half of an ice cream sandwich. At 11 years old, he is no spring chicken, but thankfully he still keeps up with us.

Marley will be missed.

Expect more after the vacation. I promise to write more...which is to say at least twice a month.